
Magazine Features, Awards, Exhibitions & More
Fourx5 magazine, April/May/June 2013 issue
Fourx5 magazine, April/May/June 2013 issue
5x5 magazine, December 2012 issue
5x5 magazine, December 2012 issue
Fotografare magazine, August 2011 issue
Fotografare magazine, August 2011 issue
Fotografare magazine, May 2011 issue
Fotografare magazine, May 2011 issue
Fotografare magazine, February 2010 issue
Fotografare magazine, February 2010 issue



1st place Winner of the Photographic Contest “Verdistanti”, held in Civitavecchia (Rome) on the occasion of the event Terme in Fiore, with the photograph Melancholic Violet.



My photos are among the “shortlist of outstanding contest entries that also caught our eye” (aka Notable Mentions) on 500px’s Birthday Contest. They have been chosen among 2000+ submissions.

1st place plaque - Verdistanti

1st place plaque – Verdistanti


April / May / June

7 of my pictures are published on the April/May/June 2013 issue of the Photography e-zine «Fourx5», along with a short interview.



Parallel Universe is published on the winter issue of the American Photography Magazine «5×5», together with an accompany text written by me.



“Which way to go? Ask the dewdrops…” [“Da che parte si va? Chiedilo alle gocce di rugiada…”] is published on the monthly issue of the Italian Photography Magazine «Fotografare», as one of the photographs selected by the editorial staff.


Rotolando Respirando receives a honorable mention on the occasion of the International Photographic Contest “Piccoli Grandi Scatti”, published by Associazione Culturale Bludigitale.


Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) is published on the monthly issue of the Italian Photography Magazine «Fotografare», as one of the 5 winning photographs of the PhotoContest of the month.


“Bisogna avere ancora un caos dentro di sé per partorire una stella danzante” [“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star”] receives a honorable mention on the occasion of the International Photographic Contest “Il mio specchio”, published by Associazione Culturale Bludigitale.



Scolpiti nel Silenzio [Sculptured out of Silence] is displayed for the first time in the prestigious setting of the Auditorium of the Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri in Rome, together with other images which won or were given a honorable mention by the judges of the International Photographic Contests held by Associazione Culturale Bludigitale.
It is also published in the book “Le stagioni di Bludigitale”.


2nd place Winner (Color Section) of the International Photographic Contest “Una valanga di Scatti”, published by Associazione Culturale Bludigitale, with the photograph Scolpiti nel Silenzio [Sculptured out of Silence].


Scolpiti nel Silenzio [Sculptured out of Silence] is published on the monthly issue of the Italian Photography Magazine «Fotografare», as one of the 5 winning photographs of the PhotoContest of the month.

2nd place Trophy - Una valanga di scatti

2nd place Trophy – Una valanga di scatti

Snapshots from the exhibition in Rome

Photo courtesy of Gian Luca Bertarelli
Photo courtesy of Gian Luca Bertarelli
Photo courtesy of Edoardo Gobattoni
Photo courtesy of Edoardo Gobattoni
Photo courtesy of Massimo Piana
Photo courtesy of Massimo Piana